Native American Name for Eagle

About the Native American Name for Eagle

Culture of The Native American People

The culture of the Native American people is shown to have a strong connection to Earth, and to the creatures that inhabit the planet. The Native American people would live among the animals, and would only kill out of necessity – never for sport. When they would kill an animal, they would use every part of the animal, down to the bones, and use up as much of the animal as possible so as not to waste the life, they would do this to show not just respect for the animal, but to acknowledge the sacrifice it made so that the Native American people could survive. In turn, the Native American people were grateful to the animals and showed each creature respect, as well as admiration. One animal Native American’s admire very much is the eagle; it’s thought to represent strength and courage. The Native American name for eagle depends on the tribe you look at however, because it will vary. The Native American name for eagle for each Native American tribe is listed below.

The Native American Name for Eagle: Individual Tribes

The Native American name for eagle in the Hidatsa tribe is iphoki, while for the Lakota it is wanbli. The Native American name for eagle for the Osage is hon’ga, while for the Yakama they do not have a name for just eagle, but they have one for each species; k’ámamul (bald eagle) and xwayamá xwaamá (golden eagle). The Native American name for eagle in the Apache tribe is tsa-cho, while for the Navajo it is atsa.

The Native American name for eagle Cheyenne tribe is ma’xevé’késo, while for the Cherokee it is wohali. While the Native American name for eagle in the Shawnee tribe is pelaethee, and the Mohegan the Native American name for eagle is the wómpissacuk. The Native American name for eagle is explained further below, along with naming a Native American child.

The Native American Name for Eagle and Namesake

These are just some of the tribes variations for the Native American name for eagle, and while none of the Native American name for eagle are alike, they still convey the same message. The Native American name for eagle, or for any name, are not picked just because of a parent’s whim, or at least traditionally that wasn’t the case. The Native American name for eagle, if it was picked for a child, was chosen by an elder through a process. However, the Native American name for eagle in general usage was given with respect to the animal.

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